Saturday, July 12, 2008

Photoshop brushes

I've always found geese to be very majestic on the water.

I saved this image as a brush and played around with it a bit.


Stephanie Fischer said...

How is that done? I LOVE it!!!! Great pictures Zeb....I admire your EYE.... Will get in touch with you when I go to Portland for Art and Soul.........Rosie the wildwoman

Zeborah Loray said...

Will be great to meet you.

Creating brushes in Photoshop is easy. They are a lot of fun. I can show you how when you are in the Portland area if you like.

Elaine Elwick Barr said...

Acid flashback Goose!I LOVE it! :)

I've given you an award, you can see it at;

craft you later, Elaine